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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thinking Thursday: My Classroom

Is it funny that I haven't shared pictures of my classroom on my Classroom blog?  Ironic??  Odd? Or just a simple oversight?  Let's go with the latter.

I am currently in my 5th classroom (in the same building) and will be starting my ninth year of teaching in August!  This classroom is by far my favorite, it is HUGE!!!  I must say I am a lucky lady to have all the space and storage,that I do have!

So here is the ultimate question?  How do I use my space so I can maximize it?
That my dear friends, is the question I ask you!!!

This is what my room looked like when I left June 1st!!!

A few details about my room:
*six circle tables for the kids
* one (bigger) circle table for small group
*a kidney shaped table( I use as my table/small group)
*2 large bulletin boards (one used as a word wall, one used for calendar and a focus board)
*1 medium sized bulletin board on side wall
*5 tall skinny bulletin boards on the closets
*3 large doors for my storage closet
*1 mounted Smart board/projector
*1 large floor rug
*1 set of mailboxes
*3 random sized book shelves
*1 IKEA easel
*1 rectangular table for my 4 class computers
*1 bathroom door
*1 sink area
*2 cabinets in the sink area
*1 trapezoid table with my desktop computer (connected to Smart board)
*library area in the middle of the room

The things I did not like:
*my table (that was meant to work with students, and was constantly cluttered with my work, photocopies, laptop, lunch bag, etc...) 
*my class computers on the rectangular table
*my kidney table being away from my desktop computer
*my students sitting on the rug for Smart board time
*my word wall not in an area that it was used effectively
*location of the library area (and its organization but that is a WHOLE other post)
*bulletin boards that were wasted and not used effectively

This is what I have and what I do NOT like!!  
Now I need ideas!!!  

Please help a first grade teacher out!!!!

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