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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday Scoop

Happy to be linking up with the Teaching Trio
for The Sunday Scoop!!

This week we leave for VACATION!!!!

I am excited and can't wait to see what Joey thinks of the beach.  I hope I get everything done!!!

Have:  My house and car are a MESS!!! A deep clean is necessary but that might have to wait until AFTER vacay:)  I finally have a new desk and can't wait to get rid of my current "office" area!!  My body is screaming for something that is ergonomically correct!!!

Hope:  Over the summer, I attempt to catch up with friends, I miss during the school year!  Hopefully this week, I will get to do just that and get Joey to another playground!  Preferably a playground that isn't MUDDY and flooded! Life in Illinois has been a little say the least!!!

Happy: I am over the moon thrilled to take Joey on our first vacation!!  Growing up we went somewhere every summer and I love the memories I have from those trips!!! Time to start making some memories with my little one!!

What's your scoop????
Go link up

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