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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Summer To Do List 2015

Well this summer is off to a great start!  School ended on June 1st at 1:00pm!!!  Shockingly enough, I walked out of school at 1:18 and my classroom looked like this! See ya in August, Room 105!

I was quick to get to my parents house, as my brother, sister-in-law and 2 nieces had arrived from Colorado and I was beyond anxious to see them!  It was their first time meeting Joey!  We had a busy week entertaining 2 teenagers and a 2 year old.

In order to have some accountability, I will now post my School Summer To Do List!!!

Summer 2015:

  • Make Sit Spots
  • Organize all my stuff into monthly bins and label them
  • Create a Reading "Map" aligned to Common Core
  • Create closet crates
  • Organize & label my classroom library
  • Create and assemble a sub tub
  • Get, Do, and Make up birthday "presents" for my students and others
  • Organize sight word & fluency cards/strips
  • Make an attendance board
  • Turn my Jenga blocks and Connect Four games into fun "center" activities
  • Label recess bins
  • Plan a Star of the Week program for my classroom
  • Organize and label my work area (at school & at home)
  • Create a new Focus Board
So there it is!  I am sure that I will add more!  Check back to see these projects as they come to life and get a big CHECK next to them, when I complete it!!!

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