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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tell All Tuesday 2.0

 I am so excited about joining up with Tell All Tuesday 2.0!!!! My Day in K and Teach Talk Inspire have brought back this awesome linky!  

This week it is "Two Truths and a Lie"!  You need to blog 3 things about yourself, 2 that are true and one that isn't.  Then link up with them and other people will guess which one is the fib!  After three days you come back and tell the truth!!!  So here it goes!

1.  I am starting my 10th year of teaching with my 5th principal in the same classroom.

2.  The first time I ever left the USA was to meet my daughter for the first time.

3.  I am living with my parents and three year old, while we search for our forever home.

Not many details, but which one do you think is the one I am stretching the truth on?  Let me know in the comments!!!  And then come back and see if you are right.  

So what are you waiting for....go link up!!!!

Wanna know which one I fibbed on???  Click here!


  1. Love this linky! I am leaning towards #2 being your lie!! Can't wait to find out :)

  2. Hi Nicole,
    I think number 1 is your lie. You have so many wonderful ideas!
    #2 makes my heart happy!! Adoption is amazing!!
    It’s Kinder Time

  3. Hmmm! I'm going to guess number 1! And I love number 2, that brings me so much joy! When I'm ready for children, I plan on adopting too :)

  4. I'm guessing number one! Perhaps you haven't had 5 principals? At least I hope not! That's a lot of turnover.
    Laughter and Consistency

  5. Hi Nicole! Thank you so much for joining our linky party! I loved reading your posts. I'm going to say that number 2 is your lie! Your daughter is adorable, I hope you'll join us again next week!

  6. Hi Nicole, thanks for joining us again. It is always fun to read your post. I am going to say number 2 is the lie. I love your pictures you post with your sweet daughter. I feel like you had said you went to Ireland at some point to?! But I might be wrong. I hope you find your forever home soon. :)
