Loving: 3 day weekends! I was able to have family time, friend time, and still have tomorrow to conquer some work!
Thinking: I will be much more productive tomorrow on my work, IF I make a to do list!!!
Wanting: I hope I am not the only one who has made goals and not stuck to them, well I am re-focusing and starting tomorrow. I have made some great goals and I really feel they are attainable. SO here goes nothing!!!
Needing: My cutie to be home!!! Adoption is not for the weak of heart and though I try VERY hard to be patient, I want her home!!!
3 Trips: Ireland, well this Irish girl will get there someday!! I mean it is on the Bucket List. Charleston, South Carolina just looks beautiful and I mean who doesn't want to go there??? And then Animal Kingdom, I had to put it! I love Walt Disney World and can NOT wait to take my little one there soon!!! I have never been to Animal Kingdom, so we can enjoy it together!!!
That's it for this Currently!! Check back in and see how I am doing on my goals....this girl needs all the encouragement I can get!!!