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Monday, February 22, 2016

Peek at My Week

I am excited to be back on track (am I the only one who says that?) with my teaching bestie Molly at Miss K's Little Rays for our Peek at My Week.  

Peek at My Week is a little snapshot of what we are working on in our classrooms!  A nice way to look back and reflect for future planning.

This is what our week looks like in 1st!  After you know what we are up to, head over and check out what Molly and the little Ray's are up to on her blog!

ELA:  We have been doing a great deal of non-fiction this month and will be wrapping it up with a biography of Abraham Lincoln.  We will focus on asking and answering questions, as well as describe with detail his life.  Our Spelling words will have the final "ch".

Math: We began working on DOUBLES last week and this week will introduce DOUBLES plus 1! I feel like we have been adding for YEARS, but in actuality it has just been a few months.  

Social Studies/Science:  We are finishing up the month with a continuation of learning about Presidents!  It is funny to see what first graders know about presidents, especially since we have only had one president since they have been alive.

Writing:  We will be doing an informational writing on one of the presidents we have learned about.

That's a look at our week!

What are you doing in your room?

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