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Monday, October 12, 2015

Motivational Monday

Today I am using Motivational Monday to remind myself, as well as anyone who will always count your blessings.

Today was a day off from school, a blessing that I have a job to have a day off from.  A day to spend with the best thing that has happened in my life,  Joey.  A day spent with a good friend, one of many I am lucky and blessed to have.  Blessed to talk to both my parents.  Blessed to have friends and family to chat with and text about the little moments in life, as well as the big.  
You truly can find a blessing in EVERYTHING!  And tonight I ask that you do.

This weekend, a young man (14 years old) was killed in my community.  He was a member of the first grade class, my first year of teaching.  I didn't have the pleasure of him in my class, yet he was a young man who always smiled.  His smile was a blessing, that I can still remember nine years later.  Tonight, I pray for his family and friends, and all of his teachers that they may realize what a blessing he was and pray that they find strength to carry his memory on.

Tonight, I hugged Joey a little tighter and I made a point to be thankful for my blessings.
Tomorrow, I will walk into a classroom of blessings and I will be sure to give them my best.

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